How to tickle your funny bone with your kid
You shouldn't overreact to your child's negative feelings. It's normal for kids to become oversensitive or clingy or nervous at times because of something in their environment, but it's not an unhappiness. For better or worse, children pick up on their parents' moods. Even young babies imitate their parents' emotional style, which actually activates specific neural pathways. In other words, when you smile, your child smiles and his brain becomes wired for smiling. But be genuine your child will sense if you're acting. If you make a point of enjoying small things and saying what you're grateful for, you'll be a positive role model for your child. The first key to creating a happy child says Hallowell. Connect with them, play with them, he advises. If you're having fun with them, they're having fun. If you create what I call a 'connected childhood,' that is by far the best step to guarantee your child will be happy. Unstructured play al...