
Showing posts from January 18, 2008

Ten traps to avoid:

Excerpts from "Tools To Life" Here are ten traps to avoid: Trap 1: The instant gratification trap It’s truly one of the biggest problems in today’s society. We all want everything now, and our ability to put in the effort required has greatly diminished. You want change and you want it now! If you can’t get it right now, it doesn’t hold your attention. That’s why we get in trouble in life to begin with: We fail to pay attention. This belief in magic solutions also makes us susceptible to all the false promises that advertisers sell us. Buy this amazing machine or pill or product, and you’ll have the best abs in six weeks! Don’t fall for this trap. Put in the effort and time, and the results will come. Trap 2: The "This is silly," trap If you can simply disqualify something as nonsense, then you don’t have to follow through.Congratulations, you win! Now things can remain the same in your life. How do you know about anything, unless you try? Trap 3: The agreeing tr...