
Showing posts from March 18, 2008

What's your discipline style?

Discipline is one of the toughest challenges of parenthood. It can frustrate, discourage, and humble you. When your toddler throws his 19th tantrum in a week, your preschooler hits her best friend in a fit of pique, or your grade-schooler is caught cheating on a test, you may look back on the gritty baby months with utter nostalgia and wonder why you ever thought feeding and sleeping dilemmas were so tough. The good news is that you don't have to go it alone. There's a lot of helpful information out there. The bad news is that there's almost too much information. A trip through the parenting section of your library or bookstore can be completely overwhelming. Dozens of books covered with photographs of smiling children and peaceful parents gleam from the shelves. "There's only one way to do it, and this is it!" they all seem to shout. Some of the books are so similar that they're almost clones, while others appear to offer the opposite advice. The author...