SECTION VI BODY COMPOSITION AND NUTRITION Your weight and/or body fat was measured during your medical exam. Take a look at the weight allowed for your height as shown in Table 1. If you exceed the weight listed for your height, you may not be over fat. Some well-muscled individuals have body weights that far exceed the values for weight listed on the charts for their age, gender, and height. Yet, only a small percentage of their total body mass may be fat. This standardized PT program meets the requirement to be physically active everyday. However, you will still need to make changes to your diet to so that you can report to IMT at an appropriate body composition. Losing one to two pounds per week is a realistic goal, which is best accomplished by a combination of eating less and exercising regularly. Table 1. Screening table weight. Reproduced from AR 600-9, table 1. People always want to know if a particular food is good or bad for them. No single food choice is necessarily a...